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Utilizing Customer Match Lists To Optimize Campaign Targeting

When a Google Ads campaign is using the Maximize Conversions bidding strategy, the campaign algorithm optimizes performance to generate the most conversion actions possible within the campaign’s budget. As the campaign gathers more data, the algorithm will automatically target users who are more likely to convert based on previous conversion data.

One method to give Google Ads more relevant user data to optimize targeting is a Customer Match List.

A Customer Match List is a list of email addresses of clients, past clients, prospects, marketing contacts, etc. This list can be uploaded to Google Ads to allow the algorithm to find common user traits of clients and prospective clients. The algorithm can use this data to target similar users.

A Customer Match List requires at least 1,000 valid email addresses. Contacts on the list will not be contacted by BrightFire or Google Ads in any form. The list will remain private and confidential to your Google Ads account. The list should be formatted as a single column of email addresses in a .csv spreadsheet.

If you would like to add a Customer Match List to your Google Ads campaign, please submit a support ticket or contact support@brightfire.com.