NowCerts Integration
Send BrightFire Form Data to NowCerts
The forms on your BrightFire website can integrate with NowCerts to automatically route data from your BrightFire website form submissions to NowCerts.
BrightFire integrates your website forms with NowCerts using Zapier.
Please follow the instructions in our Zapier Integration article to connect NowCerts to your BrightFire website forms.
Integrate NowCerts Login Form
Follow the instructions in the NowCerts help article linked below.
NowCerts Login Form Help Article
Send the NowCerts integration code to
We can install the NowCerts integration code anywhere on your website to output the NowCerts login form.
Add NowCerts Forms to Your BrightFire Website
Copy the code for the desired NowCerts quote form within your NowCerts dashboard.
Send the code to along with a description of where you would like the form added to your website.
We can install the NowCerts form code anywhere on your website to output the NowCerts quote form.